The Artists
The Work
The Artisans: A-E
The Artisans: F-J
The Artisans: K-P
The Artisans R-Z
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blown glass ornament
sterling silver earrings
fish plate
black bat copper enamel earrings
table kaleidoscope
Calvera measuring spoons
glass bowl
blue skull & crossed bones necktie
bowl of cherries note card
hot air balloon
flower nightlight
lampworked ornament
planet paperweight
concrete earrings with pearl
porcelain bowls
fused glass suncatcher
cobalt witch ball
silk necktie
porcelain ornament
paper weight
glass snowflake ornament
gecko paperweight
lampworked pendant
blown glass skull
sterling, gold, pyrite pendant with chain
slate and pyrite pendant
mosquito mask
Sterling silver earrings
deMedici scarf
pewter ginko napkin rings
blown glass earrings
the postcards
full moon watch
blown glass witch ball
maple pate' set